There‘s a Punk Song about Alexa Bliss!!!!!!!!

Bowling For Soup wrote a song about Alexa Bliss.

It‘s amazing!

Find out more by reading on!




I‘m obsessed with wrestling, that much should be clear by now.

I also love Japan and movies, pretty sure that‘s common knowledge to anyone reading this little blog of mine as well.

But I‘m not sure I‘ve talked about my love for music a whole bunch.

I think I mentioned it here or there, but not extensively.

So, yeah, I love music.

Nu Metal and Pop Punk in particular are my jam.

And yeah, I also love wrestling.

Therefore it came as no surprise to me when the Youtube Algorithm recommended me the new Bowling For Soup Single.

I glanced at the title and read two very familiar words: Alexa Bliss.

My immediate reaction was: What?

I clicked on it and let me tell you, this is the stuff, man!



A Pop Punk banger about Alexa Bliss?

A song with the line “It‘s like my heart is caught in a Sleeper Hold”?

Count me in!

The main question the song asks is why can‘t every girl be more like Alexa Bliss.

As the guy who had a running joke calling her his waifu I second this sentiment.

I love it when worlds I love merge and so far this song about wrestling has to be my favorite example.

There‘s just something so pure and fun about it that‘s hard to explain.

Apparently Bowling For Soup are actually Alexa‘s favorite band, which makes this even more awesome.

Oh, and to add the cherry on top the music video features our beloved goddess herself and parodies Weird Science.



There‘s a lot of things in this world that can get you down.

This world is a mess and it can ruin your mood in a heartbeat.

But a world in which a song like this exists can‘t be all that bad.

Thanks for making me smile, Bowling for Soup!




Did you check this song out yet?

What do you think?

Tell me in the comments.

feel free to share this with your friends.

I‘ll see you next week for more shenanigans.

Have a great Sunday!


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