This wasn’t what we wanted! – Fastlane 2019 Review

Fastlane was our last stop on the road to WrestleMania.
It was all about triple threats for some odd reason and it was also not what I expected!
Help me figure out whether that was a good thing or not by reading on!


01: New Day (Xavier Woods and Big E) vs. Shinsuke Nakamura and Rusev:

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Two things:
1.: The Kickoff was actually pretty dope!
2.: Weren‘t we supposed to get Andrade versus Rey and not this?
Well yeah, but this pay-per-view oddly placed a lot of focus on story and the pre-show laid the foundation for a lot of what would occur on the main show.
You see, two things actually played into this.
First of all Carmella was seen backstage trying to get signatures for a petition to get Truth a rematch for his Title.
Zelina overheard this and bitched that Andrade would kill Joe.
Joe overheard THIS, said that he‘ll just fight everyone and then he signed the petition and left.
I marked out loud for Joe!
Such a cool move to have him sign the petition.
Because of this they made a fatal-4-way for the U.S. Title and put this on the pre-show instead.
Before the New Day warriors shipped themselves off to war, they, together with Kofi, payed a visit to Kevin who had just been giving an interview.
Kofi wished him good luck and Kev actually appreciated it and acknowledged once more that he believes Kofi deserves a title shot.
As their match was about to go down some camera shy looking dude informed Kofi that he had been summoned to the McMahon family office to talk about the Championship match.
And yes, this is obviously not what you think, but we‘ll find out what it actually was later on!
For now though let‘s talk about our first match of the night.
As random as this was after seeing it I can‘t help but like it.

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I didn‘t like however that they had a Miz and father video going on while they were still fighting.
This commercial stuff during pre-show matches really grinds my gears.
Well, I‘m so hungry for pancakes and I blame it on Big E!
His awesome display of power throughout made me think that there‘s gotta be some magic ingredient in pancakes!
I want to be as big and strong as Big E when I grow up, so I need to eat all the pancakes!
Because Shinsuke and Rusev are just so solid this turned out to be a lot of fun!
Here are some of the highlights:
Big E got saved from Rusev‘s kick of doom by his partner, Lana interfered, Woods flew and got caught by Shin and Rusev simultaneously and then New Day worked together and after the UpUpDownDown it was game over for the heels.
Wow, what a fun match!
I‘ll probably regret saying this later, but if everything turns out to be as much fun as this then we‘re in for one heck of a ride!
I really loved this as a pure wrestling bout and seeing story elements being put in place here makes the literature nerd in me grow three inches taller.
All in all this was a really awesome pre-show!
I rarely skipped a thing, which is rare!
You also can‘t help but love that they‘re doing something new with New Day – pardon the pun.
They still aren‘t forgetting that they‘re a tag team, but they‘re also branching them off as singles guys, and to that I say: Heck yeah! About damn time!

Rating: 4 out of 5


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02: The Usos vs. Shane McMahon and The Miz for the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championships:

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Or: How to win your dad‘s approval in your home town!
Yes, as they‘ve reminded us so rudely during the first match this was all about Miz proving to his dad that he was awesome.
Mister Miz was even at ringside!
To me having family at ring side in your hometown is another one of those tropes like having the champ come out first in a championship bout.
It‘s usually a dead giveaway that the home town hero will lose.
Not always, sometimes they have the hero win, but for the most part it never pans out.
Well, did it happen here?
Let‘s find out!
Shane entered the match first and he actually does way more than is expected of a part-timer, which is both nuts and absolutely incredible!
You can‘t help but respect Shane O‘Mac!
He even had a really amazing spot where he changed his path in a Coast To Coast mid-flight to stop one of the brothers from jumping on Miz!

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After this awesome attempt at awesomeness Miz tried to repay the favor by jumping on the legal Uso (yeah, don‘t expect me to tell them apart) but his Frog Splash failed because he never did it before and then the Usos won as a result.
The Usos retained and it again was Miz‘s fault.
Well, the match was actually really good.
Each time Miz and Shane stepped into the ring together they got better.
They celebrated with Miz‘s dad anyway and then – out of nowhere Shane attacked Miz from behind!
This attack felt so shocking because Shane changed his facial expressions and gestures in a millisecond!
He attacked him so intensely and even laid hands on his dad!
This was absolutely ruthless and unexpected!
By far the best heel turn in a while because it was so intense and unexpected!
While the match was really good the Shane heel turn was even better!
I knew they were gonna face each other at WrestleMania, but I had no idea Shane would be the one to turn!
I was so certain that Miz would just betray him!
This is much better!
The poor babyface Miz tried his best and because it wasn‘t good enough the dastardly heel turned on him.
Just incredible!
Later on in the show an interview girl attempted to get a comment out of Shane, but he just slammed the door in her face.
That says it all!
Just great!


Rating: 4 out of 5

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03: Asuka vs. Mandy Rose for the WWE SmackDown Women‘s Championship:

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Come on, you‘re not really expecting me to take Mandy Rose serious as a threat for Asuka?
To me she‘s the very essence of what was wrong about the whole idea of a Diva.
She‘s all looks and can‘t really back up her big mouth in the ring.
She needs her friend Sonya to help her with everything.
On the Kickoff Sonya even defended her when EC3, talking for the first time, lamely made a pass at her.
Granted, EC3 was hilarious, but still: I can‘t take her seriously!
This is what made it so incredibly shocking to me that the match wasn‘t completely horrible.
I‘m continually surprised about Mandy Rose not sucking as much as I think.
It still wasn‘t a good match, but it was far from being completely horrible.
As seems to be the case with this night story was king.
Sonya got a kendo stick out from underneath the labyrinthine depths of the ring and accidentally had a piece of the apron left extended on the ring.
Mandy tripped on it and Asuka won immediately afterwards.

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Two things here.
It‘s cool that Mandy lost because of a story and it‘s also interesting that we‘re obviously getting Sonya versus her in some form or other.
And it‘s also pretty interesting that Asuka seems to win almost by accident.
Okay, so, three things. I suck at counting!
Asuka won the title after Ronda toppled the ladder with the other competitors and now she retained it after her opponent slipped.
This can‘t be a coincidence and her next challenger will probably point it out and make it a key factor in their rivalry.
Who will that be?
Lacey Evans hopefully.
She needs something to do asap!

Rating: 2 out of 5


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Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!
Kofi was still waiting outside the McMahon office when his Comrades came to check on him.
Why wasn‘t he in the office, he‘s been waiting for an hour!
They barged in and Vince asked where he had been, he‘s been waiting for an hour.
Haha, miscommunications, the key factor for every successful company!
Big E and Xavier Woods were ranting about how awesome Kofi was as if they were defending their favorite Anime waifu to another weebo.
Vince then said that Kofi should get his butt to the ring and his friends were barred from ring-side. His match was next and the championship match was a triple threat match.
Wait a minute, there was something off with the wording!
This is a set up!
Run, Kofi, run!

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04: Daniel Bryan vs. Kevin Owens vs. Kofi Kingston for the WWE Championship:

It sure was a set up!
Just as the announcer was about to announce that this was a triple threat for the Title he was informed that the Championship Match would come later.
Now this was going to be…

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04: Kofi Kingston vs. The Bar in a handicap match with both members of the Bar competing at the same time:

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… a mugging, essentially.
While he tried Kofi had no chance against two men.
It was pretty boring and the crowd agreed.
While I like Vince toying with Kofi in theory I think this has gone too far.
They‘re putting too many obstacles in his way which makes it feel contrived.
Yeah, I know that it is, but there‘s good story telling and then there‘s overdoing it.
This is overdoing it.
Not even his New Day members were able to help him as they were attacked by Rusev and Shin on their way to the ring.
This ppv quickly devolved into being all about story.
Only about story.
It did make sense that Shin and Rusev would attack after loosing earlier, but with all that was going on it was just too much.
And the match, with Kofi losing, was also pretty crap.

Rating: 1 out of 5

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05: The Revival vs. Ricochet and Aleister Black vs. Chad Gable and Bobby Roode for the Raw Tag Team Championships:

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Well, I was feeling pretty down after the last two matches had been FillerMania.
Poor Kofi especially had taken all of the wind of excitement out of my sails.
On top of that there were loud construction noises coming from the street and it was raining and snowing heavily!
I was in a dreadful mood!
Leave it to three really athletic tag teams, especially Ric and Ale, to improve my mood.
This was just ten minutes of really good wrestling.
Including Ric jumping on everything that moved.
The highlight was some flippy looking move with Dawson while everyone else was taken out on the outside.
Ric jumped over the ring-post and then Gable got in and after a Shatter Machine the Revival retained and then everyone brawled for a bit.
Yeah, this was good.
Thanks, guys!
Looks like the tag division is finally getting better on Raw.
There‘s not much else I can add here.
Just a really good match.
Watch it!

Rating: 4 out of 5

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06: Samoa Joe vs. R-Truth vs. Andrade vs. Rey Mysterio in a fatal-4-way match for the WWE United States Championship:

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I can‘t help but feel that only focusing on Andrade and Rey would‘ve been the better choice.
Don‘t get me wrong, I‘m incredibly glad that the U.S. title was actually featured on a ppv and I love all four men (even R-Truth, which still feels weird to admit) but as a wrestling fan I can‘t help but think that the match that was originally planned would‘ve been better.
To prove my point, this match wasn‘t even as good as the first time it happened.
That‘s the problem!
We already got this very same match on SmackDown!
That match was so incredible because we didn‘t expect it!
It also felt really impromptu and Joe winning was the icing on the cake.
This felt like they desperately wanted to recreate the magic of that moment.
Hm, forcing stories to happen was the name of the game for this night, right?
Look, Joe was a one man wrecking crew and I couldn‘t tell you who my favorite here was.
Probably Andrade, wait, no, Truth, oh, heck, Rey‘s 619 was pretty cool, too!
I can‘t decide!

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When the champion is the least impressive even though he‘s still really impressive you know you‘ve got a good match on your hands!
All four men were lit!
And yes, I love that word and I‘ll keep using it even when I‘m old and wrinkly!
Truth and Andrade were somewhat of the focus here.
Truthy Claus cosplayed John Cena again and Zelina punched him on the outside so that Mella could fight with her instead.
I have no idea why, maybe I‘m a sick bastard, but seeing Zelina punch a man just feels right.
Believe it or not, but Andrade and Truth actually worked together to first calm down their women and then they attacked the other opponents together.
It was a pretty cool moment and I just hope they‘ll give us a mixed tag match between the two pairs!
It‘s gonna be, wait for it, lit!
I still want Andrade versus Rey, though!
I‘ll never not want that!
Speaking of the greatest mask of all time!
Eventually Joe put Rey to sleep in his clutch and retained.
This match was really good, but it wasn‘t what I wanted.
I think Andrade versus Rey might‘ve excited me more, but what we got was really good!

Rating: 4 out of 5

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07: Sasha Banks and Bayley vs. Tamina and Nia Jax for the WWE Women‘s Championships:

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I knew it!
I just knew that Sasha and Bayley would lose!
Well, they came out first and you know what that means, right?
Say it with me now: If the champs come out first they lose.
I‘m amusing they just figured it‘d be nice to let them have the titles first before giving them away almost immediately to the women they really wanna push, Nia and Tamina.
Don‘t ask me why they really want to push Tamina and Nia.
You‘re asking me?
Well, my guess is that they wanna do it because, well, Nia doesn‘t represent the usual body type stereotype of a model/wrestler and that spreads a positive message, I guess.
That was the nicest way I could put this.
Okay, what did the heels do?
Well, they isolated Bayley, but thankfully enough this wasn‘t all this match was.
You know I hate this trope so I thanked Ric Flair (the one and only wrestling god who‘s still alive, you know it to be true!) that we actually got a somewhat competitive contest with fairly frequent tags.

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To me Bayley was definitely the MVP!
She did her best to sell that Nia was a freaking beast and just looked so enthusiastic.
Everything looks better when you‘re clearly having fun!
Is it just me or has Bayley been way more awesome ever since she started painting stars over her eye?
I love Starley, she‘s incredible!
Right, so, now, let‘s watch Nia pin Bayley after Tamina did something and…
You‘re telling me Bayley actually pinned Nia out of nowhere?
Eh, my bad.
I was wrong, I guess.
I really appreciate that they did the thing with the champions coming out first and still actually had them win!
That makes it less predictable of a thing.
Still don‘t like it, but it‘s better than the obvious.
All in all however this match didn‘t impress me.
It felt like it was only on the card for the ending.
You see, Tamina and Nia beat up the champs almost immediately after they lost and Beth Phoenix, who had been on commentary for this one, confronted the two heels and finally Natalya came out to help her supposed friend.

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I love how Natalya is just friends with every single female wrestler whenever they need her to be.
She was Ronda‘s bestie and now she‘s Beth‘s as well.
While it dragged on a bit the ending was a nice touch.
It gives me hope that Nia and Tamina will fight Beth and Natalya at Mania so that the tag champs can actually go to NXT Takeover like I and probably you as well, want.
All in all though this match just wasn‘t my cup of tea, sorry Bayley.

Rating: 2 out of 5

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08: Daniel Bryan vs. Kevin Owens vs. Mustafa Ali for the WWE Championship:

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We want Kofi! We want Kofi! We want Kofi!
You see why this was always destined to fail, right?
The three men could‘ve set the ring on fire or battled in giant mechas (where‘s that real Gundam you promised us, Elon Musk?) and it still wouldn‘t have been enough to win over the crowd.
Well, Vince did say the match would be a triple threat, but adding Mustafa Ali, who got injured and lost his spot at Elimination Chamber to Kofi, was not what we wanted.
We wanted Kofi!
The crowd wanted Kofi, New Day wanted Kofi, I wanted Kofi!
Kofi wanted Kofi!
Santa Claus probably even wanted Kofi!
Too much Christmas spirit?
Usually the crowd‘s really behind Mustafa, but they were just chanting for Kofi.
Okay, eventually, once they realized Kofi wasn‘t gonna show up, they got behind Mustafa and Kevin.
The two worked together for a while and it was so easy to hate Daniel with his intellectual peer by his side, ready to interfere when need be.
Well, he had to help and this eventually led to Daniel retaining.

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But you don‘t want to know about any of that, right?
You want to know which band was represented by Rowan‘s shirt, don‘t you?
Eluveitie – again!
He must really love them!
It‘s probably his favorite band ever!
Okay, I‘ve avoided talking about this match in more detail for long enough now…
It was really great and the best match of the night!
Kevin was just so much fun to watch and Mustafa just killed it!
Ali did variations on the Spanish Fly which just looked insane!
It‘s gotta be my favorite move of all time!
It just looks so impressive!

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Kevin stunnered his way into my heart and Daniel really viscerally manipulated Kevin‘s poor arm.
It‘s probably got the texture of jello now!
This match was so incredibly great!

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Even Rowan interfering was cool because the metal man is just such a beast!
If only I could‘ve been able to enjoy this match.
They should‘ve skipped the Kofi false hope crap so that Mustafa being added would‘ve felt like something good and not a slap in the face.
I really wanted to love this, but Mustafa just wasn‘t Kofi!
Still the best match of the night, though!

Rating: 4 out of 5

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09: Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte Flair and if Becky wins she‘ll be added to the WWE Raw Women‘s Championship match at WrestleMania:

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I‘m so incredibly glad that I decided to give myself two days for a big event.
This gives me time to ruminate on certain matches instead of rushing a review out without having time to think.
Especially here, with this, eh, “match”.
You see, I was inclined to immediately rush to my keyboard and curse this affair to the high heavens, but I‘m glad I didn‘t.
I can now look at it with different, none rage filled eyes.
You see, I expected a comeback story for Becky.
I thought she‘d overwhelm Charlotte with endurance and the will to fight and that she would just not give up despite her entire left side basically being one whole disaster area.
I thought I‘d get to see my waifu fight for what was rightfully hers.
I thought I‘d get to see a really amazing match.
I thought I‘d get to see Charlotte use Kenny the Kendo Stick again.
Instead I got a story segment.
You see, Becky Lynch was heavily injured.
Her knee was in a brace and her arm was taped up.
Charlotte loved this and even helped her into the ring.
So kind of her…
Seeing her light up at the misfortune of others just made the poor old Grinch‘s heart grow two sizes.
Yeah, I know it‘s not Christmas, but I could do with some Christmas right about now!
I mean, it‘s snowing already where I am, so why not.
Ho, ho, ho!

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Blamo said Charlotte and attacked Becky viciously with a big smile on her face.
I mean, wrestlers are in the business for a reason.
It only makes sense that they love to fight.
Flair even voiced that this was too easy.
Becky didn‘t have a chance, she didn‘t even get one attack in because she was just too injured.
Ric Flair‘s baby girl had the Figure Four locked, turned it into a Figure Eight – and then Ronda came out, punched Becky in the face and the match got thrown out.
I kinda saw Ronda coming.
When it became apparent that Becky wasn‘t gonna win this on her own I said to the invisible man watching wrestling with me: Ronda‘s gonna come out, isn‘t she?
Becky Lynch won by disqualification.

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Ronda made sure that she was added to the WrestleMania match.
Yeah, she might be a heel now, but the only reason she turned was that she wanted her to be in the match, so it makes sense that she would see to it, even if that means the odds are stacked against her even more.
Usually heels try not to get more people into their match.
Hm, then again, Joe did a similar thing earlier, so maybe that‘s changing.
It‘s incredibly sad to me that we didn‘t get to see Becky fight for her way back.
Did it undermine Becky to have Ronda essentially win the match for her?
Is Becky still really real life injured?
Was this just a way of helping her heal and also not have her miss a ppv?
Probably yes to both.
Does this make Ronda even more unpredictable?
Did I like it?
I don‘t know!

Rating: 2 out of 5

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Something felt off with this ppv and I‘ve finally figured it out!
It had more in common with Raw than with a very special sporting event.
The fact that story became way more important than the matches the further on in the card we went was a great indicator, but nowhere was it more apparent than in the three appearances of Elias.
I felt it was redundant to tell you guys three times throughout the night that Elias sang a song so instead I opted to wait for the last appearance where he actually got interrupted by someone.
Look, I didn‘t hate it, in fact his songs were laugh out loud funny, but to me story only segments on a ppv feel as out of place as a nun in a strip club.
And no, I‘m not talking about a stripper dressed as a nun, I‘m talking about an actual nun watching a stripper.
Just wrong!
Well, Elias was amazed that nobody interrupted him when not only Lacey Evans interrupted, but an RKO out of nowhere as well.
Yeah, I feel like we could just rename Randy Orton to RKO and it would make just as much sense.
90 percent of the time that‘s all he does anyway.
Not that it‘s bad, it‘s just a lot.

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And then AJ, who on the pre-show had told us he‘d deal with Randy when the time was ripe, apparently thought the time was ripe and phenomenal-forearmed the viper out of nowhere.
Hm, phenomenal forearm out of nowhere doesn‘t have quite the ring to it as RKO out of nowhere has, has it?
He interrupted the interrupted interruption!
Is it still cool in 2019 to call this Interruptception?
While it kind of lowered the importance level of this ppv I would be a liar if I told you I didn‘t completely love it.
I‘m a sucker for quick violence exchanges instead of long arguments and the last ppv before Mania is as good a place as any to start this feud in earnest.
Oh, and I won‘t even tell you to just do something with Lacey already.
Instead I‘ll talk about something I‘ve noticed.
They changed her persona slightly.
She‘s a sassy southern belle now instead of a marine who‘s also a lady.
As someone who really loved watching Hart of Dixie I‘m all for it!
Hm, I like Ariana Grande AND Hart of Dixie?
What kind of wrestling fan am I?
Let‘s main event!

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10: Bobby Lashley, Baron Corbin and Drew McIntyre vs. The Shield:

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Wait a minute, did Seth Rollins just spit in this poor woman‘s face during their entrance through the crowd?
He sure aimed in her direction!
This little moment perfectly sums up the match: weird and slightly off.
It all just felt unorganic and forced.
This will be the last time in the foreseeable future that we‘ll see Seth, Dean and Roman team up because Dean‘ll leave the company after WrestleMania.
And it felt like that.

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It didn‘t happen because a good story warranted them reuniting, no, they fabricated the story so that they could reunite.
Let‘s be real here, this was WWE cashing in on the popularity of the Shield one last time.
This was also Roman Reigns‘ first match back after beating Leukemia… and I don‘t want to be mean, but he‘s still not very exciting in the ring.
What was interesting to me was that the crowd was seemingly one hundred percent behind him.
When he used to do his “uwaaaah” before a Superman Punch you could only hear “boo” but this time around the crowd actually voiced the “uwaah” in unison with Roman.
It‘s all just a bit wrong to think that just because Roman was ill with cancer everybody likes him now.
It feels pretentious.

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The entire match did.
I mean, just a few short weeks ago we were supposed to hate Dean Ambrose and now he acted like a baby again.
The only thing that was not pretentious was Baron, Drew and Bobby.
They are building them up as a really good heel stable, but even they came with problems.
The commentators did their best to try and convince us that they were the new Shield.
Sorry, but no.

We used to hate Roman because everything about him felt forced and now that he‘s back they haven‘t learned anything?
Also, were they trying to apiece Dean just before he leaves?
It has been well documented that he wanted to wrestle a more extreme, more ECW style, but wasn‘t allowed to and now they had him and Seth brawl through the crowd and the Kickoff set with Bobby and Drew while Roman was still wrestling Baron.
To win this Seth stomped Bobby on an announce desk, they put Drew through one with their Shield Bomb and then they all finished off Baron together.
Unsurprisingly they won.

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Go figure.
The MVP for me was Baron Corbin because him and Roman were really going at it.
I kinda hope they continue to feud because them wrestling was the most entertaining thing about this.
This thousand minutes long match… okay, 25, but that was still too long!
They tend to over-allocate time for Roman matches.
They make them far too long and they hold our attention from start to finish.
Sadly, this one last cash-in wasn‘t any different.

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So, let‘s sum things up.
It felt uninspired and was very long.
And yet I can‘t not like it.
Yeah, it didn‘t rock my world, but I have to admit that I enjoyed it.
Especially when they brawled all over the arena. That was cool.
I totally get why WWE did it, because it worked.
It just feels iffy because you know they‘re trying to get you to finally sympathize with Roman because he had cancer.
It felt so incredibly wrong to me and yet I couldn‘t hate it.
Oh, also, for a second I thought Undertaker would show and revenge his loss over Roman.
He didn‘t.

Rating: 3 out of 5

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Do you know those mixed bags of nuts you can get?
Fastlane was exactly like that!
I get that they wanted to give us a lot of story leading up to WrestleMania, but I think executing on pretty much everything in one night was too much.
Seeing Elias again and again felt long and weird at home.
It might actually be a really cool thing when you‘re physically there to have the action broken up by him, but at home, when I just want wrestling matches, three songs was a bit much.
That pretty much every match had at least some kind of story portion was also way too much for my taste.
Heck, even the Raw Tag Title match ended in a brawl!
There were a lot of matches that I really got a kick out of!
Especially all of the tag matches and the U.S. fatal-4-way.
But the overarching story with Kofi just felt forced and ruined the otherwise good WWE Championship match.
And even though I slept on the last two matches I just still can‘t say that they were good.
Why can‘t they just give us good matches for the Raw women‘s division and the top guys of Raw?
Why do they have to give us convoluted and forced stories instead of what we want?
At the end of the day I didn‘t get what I wanted with this ppv.
Yes, maybe I was expecting it to be great because I liked Fastlane in the past.
Maybe that was the problem.
But is the blame on me if they can‘t live up to past glories?
They‘ve proven that they can turn a middle of the road event into gold, so it‘s only natural for me to assume that they‘ll do it again.
They let me down and it hurts because I know they could‘ve made this better!
Just imagine the thing with Kofi‘s false hope not being there and instead just Ali being added.
The result would‘ve been the same but the execution would‘ve been way cleaner.
And instead of waiting for Ronda to come out until the “match” was almost over she could‘ve interfered immediately, maybe even causing the match to never happen in the first place.
Again, same result, but cleaner execution.
In summary, Fastlane wasn‘t what I wanted and yet I kinda enjoyed it.


Overall Rating: 3.5 out of 5

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Did you enjoy Fastlane?
Tell me in the comments!
Feel free to share my mixed bag of nuts with your friends.
I‘ll see you tomorrow for Raw.
Have a great day!

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