Do it yourself! – NXT 03/13 Review

The Dusty Cup Semi Finals promised us explosive action – which we didn‘t get.
Instead we got under-cooked matches and an admittedly awesome ending!
Find out more by reading on.


Moustache Mountain vs. The Forgotten Sons (Steve Cuttler and Wesley Blake) in a Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Semi Finals match:

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just when I was about to get excited for Forgotten Sons the went ahead and did this!
They delivered a heel 101 match!
Isolating the more over baby, Trent Seven, and eventually having the third man interfere and win.
It‘s matches like this that have me question my decision to rate every Dusty Cup match.
I gotta admit though that it wasn‘t entirely hopeless!
Once Bates got in the pace quickened and Mountain was generally exciting throughout.
But thay still couldn‘t save this match.
And they also couldn‘t keep me from falling asleep.
Moustache Mountain are great, but Forgotten Sons…. I‘ve already forgotten them again!
It‘s such a shame that they won!
Thank u, next!


Rating: 2 out of 5

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Bro, Matt Riddle had an interview, bro, and Adam Cole (Baybay!) told him that he should keep his filthy paws off of the North American title, cause it belonged to him.
Bro, said the bro, if he thinks he‘s so great, bro, then why don‘t they have a match, bro?
Matt Riddle versus Adam Cole (Baybay!).
It‘s gonna be lit, bro!
I‘m looking forward to this match, bro!


Io Shirai vs. Bianca BelAir in a number one contenders match:

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I was also looking forward to this match and Shayna Baszler ruined it!
It was just about to get good, Bianca whipping, Io doing a crazy cool Frankensteiner, when Shayna, who was doing commentary, got up and attacked the poor women out of nowhere.
She even attacked Io‘s friend Kairi, who had come out to help.
Later on they announced that because of this heinous attack she‘ll have to defend her title at TakeOver in a fatal-4-way against all three women.
You see, before the match I had an idea this might happen.
I couldn‘t decide who I wanted to win more, Bianca or Io, so I thought they must feel the same!
I thought they could just have none of them win, and well, that‘s exactly what they did!
I‘m a wrestling psychic!
But you don‘t have to be a psychic to know that this fatal-4-way‘s gonna be freaking amazing!
Is it WrestleMania weekend yet?

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Ricochet and Aleister Black vs. #DIY in a Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Semi Finals match:

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I swear to god!
Up until this point I had kind of forgotten that Ciampa‘s got the NXT title and that we need a match for it at TakeOver!
I‘m pretty sure I‘m not the only one!
I was just so focused on DIY being back together that I conveniently forgot, which is probably what they intended.
Once I remembered that tiny little detail I kinda knew where they were going.
You see, the match was fine.
It was what you‘d expect out of two really awesome teams.
At first DIY dominated, but then Black and Ric took control.
Black was off the rails, he‘s just so incredibly powerful, you can feel the earth shake each time he kicks and punches!
Just great!
The story was that Johnny had his left knee injured and throughout the match Ciampa checked on him.
This had Ciampa flustered and Ric and Black doubled down on him with a Black Mass and a 630 Splash and then, boom!
Ciampa lost!

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#DIY was finished and Ric and Black will face the Forgotten Sons in the Finals of the Dusty Cup in two weeks.
Ciampa didn‘t care about losing, he was concerned about his friend.
His wife Candice came out and together they helped him on stage.
Johnny fell and now Ciampa snapped.
It was too much, he couldn‘t take it anymore, he just had to attack stupid Johnny!
But wait!
Johnny ducked and stood up straight!
He had faked the injury!
And now he attacked Ciampa and threw him into the LED board.
Guys, Johnny Gargano was actually the good guy all along!
He turned heel to gain Ciampa‘s trust and waited for the most opportune moment to strike!
He had told Candice he knew what he was doing, and yes, he did!
Welcome back to the light side of life, Johnny Wrestling!
Gosh, I kind of don‘t care about anything anymore now.
Nothing else matters!
We‘ll get Ciampa vs. Johnny for the NXT title at TakeOver!
It‘s gonna be the best thing since air!
The fact that they went about this in a way that I actually didn‘t see it coming makes it even sweater!
I didn‘t see the forest for the trees!
Really great guys, you just continue to top yourselves with every passing TakeOver!
Just wild!
Okay, I‘m done now.
Like a hot potato!

Rating: 4 out of 5

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Yeah, the matches might not have blown me away, but you better believe that I absolutely loved the ending!
And by default that means that this was a really great episode!
I also loved the development with the women‘s title, although I would‘ve loved to see more of Io versus Bianca.
That needs to happen more thoroughly in the not too distant future.
I still hate the Forgotten Sons.
That‘ll probably not change anytime soon.
But the ending!
johnny freaking Wrestling was the good guy all along and gained Ciampa‘s trust to strike at the right moment!
This was nuts!
I just can‘t wait for TakeOver!
And I‘m pretty sure you can‘t wait, either!

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Do you wanna see TakeOver right now, too?
Tell me in the comments.
Feel free to share me not seeing the forest for the trees with your friends.
I‘ll see you on Tuesday for Raw.
Have a great weekend!

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