Dusty Cup Finals! Who won? – NXT 03/27 Review

The Dusty Cup Finals actually surprised me!
Forgotten Sons versus Ricochet and Aleister, who won? Who‘ll face the War Raiders for the belts?
Find out by reading on!

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Adam Cole (Baybay!) opened this mother up!
He told us that he was the best because he had beaten four others to get to Johnny and he wanted to tell him a million reasons why he‘ll beat him face to face.
Johnny demanded that Adam listed his one million, but Cole didn‘t respond.
When he had his tongue again he went over a list of all of his accomplishments.
Johnny then responded that he was never treated as the shiny new toy, the hot thing, like Cole had been.
When he tried out they told him no and he had to earn his way in.
He did that on his own and didn‘t have three friends to back him up.
The audience grew to love him and became his life.
Look, that‘s all cool and all, but the opening‘s just too freaking long!
Cole turned to leave, but thought otherwise and exclaimed that he‘d win because he‘s got his friends.
Triple H said a 2 out of 3 falls match would be definitive, but he was wrong, it‘ll be Undisputed!
I marked out huge when he said that last bit.

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I grew up on shitty action cartoons, I‘m a sucker for using your stable name in a sentence.
I love that!
But as I said, this opening I didn‘t really love!
It was too long.
I‘m kind of looking forward to this consolation price of a match, but Ciampa would‘ve obviously been way more awesome.
Maybe that‘s why I can‘t be one hundred percent behind this?
Well, there‘s nothing we can do about it, that‘s just life.
I‘m still thinking that Cole will win.
I mean, he does have three friends as he said.
Johnny‘s got nobody, just himself.
The odds are stacked against him and really, he should only win any belt off of Ciampa at this point.
That‘s just my two cents.
What‘s our first match?

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Aliyah and Vanessa Borne vs. Lacey Lane and Kacy Catanzaro:

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Hey Lacey, Scorpion from Mortal Kombat called, he wants his outfit back.
Yes, her getup was obviously inspired by the yellow fighter and I freaking love that.
Whenever Mortal Kombat‘s referenced an angel gets its wings!
I think.
On any other night this would‘ve been a normal jobber match.
Aliyah and Vanessa (who look weird in pink) would‘ve flattened the fresh new babies and that would‘ve been it.
But it‘s not any other night, no sir, it‘s two weeks from TakeOver so you better believe that Shayna and her goons came out to prove a point, leaving this match without a winner.
As the heels retreated the champ and her minions closed in on the faces and while Kacy tried to fight back – well, it didn‘t do her any good.
I liked that Shayna just attacks whoever and that they‘re keeping the three girls who‘ll fight her as far away from her as possible.
Muchly appreciated!
But as a match, yeah, this wasn‘t much.
Thank u, next!

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Matt Riddle vs. Kona Reeves:

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This on the other hand was one heck of a match!
Until it wasn‘t!
Interruptions by champs seemed to be in vogue right now, so Velveteen Dream and his two girlfriends invaded the stage – on a freaking sofa!
It was as ridiculous as it sounds!

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Thankfully enough he just watched and the match proceeded as normal.
This distraction almost caused Kona to win.
He didn‘t, he tapped out.
Hey, maybe if your first name was Keanu you‘d be without a losing streak?
I really enjoyed this and especially the lightning fast strikes from Matt.
Velveteen agreed with me and granted Riddle a match at TakeOver for his title.
Matt responded in the only way he can: See you in New York, bro!
Or was it bruh?
I think he said see you in New York, bruh.
Either way, the king of bros will face the purple wonder at TakeOver.
Am I excited?
I think I am excited, bruh!

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The Forgotten Sons (Steve Cuttler and Wesley Blake) vs. Ricochet and Aleister Black in the Dusty Rhodes Classic Finals to determine the Number One Contender for the NXT Tag Team Championships:

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Holy bananas!
In the previous weeks a narrative had formed for me.
The narrative that I kinda like the Sons, but still hate them with a passion.
This narrative finally found it‘s conclusion today.
I freaking love the biker mice from mars now!
I know, I can‘t believe it myself, but it‘s true!
Cuttler in particular was just absolutely ridiculous!
This man was nuts!

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He sold like a champ and everything he was at the other end of felt as if it had been dished out by Hulk on steroids!
Just absolutely insane!
And as for the other team, Ric flipped and stuff, but I think I prefer Aleister.
There‘s just something about his hard hitting agility that speaks to me on a visceral level.
I prefer that over flippy stuff I think.
Not that flipping isn‘t flipping great, it‘s just not as great.
Dang, I really think I want the Sons to win…
Oh, Ric did a 630 flippy floppy after Ryker got involved and then the Sons lost.
Yeah, Ricochet and Aleister Black will face the War Raiders in two weeks and I can‘t believe I‘m saying this but I think the Forgotten Sons should‘ve won!
Or, Cuttler, rather.
This man‘s something else!

Rating: 4 out of 5

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Well, with a first half being kinda meh and a second half that was kinda awesome I have to say that that‘s exactly what I have to say about this episode.
The first half was lame, the opening too long and the first match without a winner, but the second half, oh man!
That match between Matt and Kona was delicious, and I love the Forgotten Sons now!
Isn‘t that crazy?
Yeah, this was a good week for NXT!
TakeOver and Mania weekend can‘t come fast enough.
It‘s gonna be interesting!

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Do you like the Forgotten Sons?
Tell me in the comments.
Feel free to share my new found love with your friends.
I‘ll see you on Tuesday for Raw.
Have a great weekend!

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