Good! – Raw 03/25 Review

While the first two hours didn‘t accomplish much they did go by quickly.
And then they pretty much crammed the third hour full with one amazing thing after the other!
Find out more by reading on!

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The first two hours were, well, both bad and good at the same time!
Yeah, some Schrodinger‘s cat stuff right here!
Well, it was not really compelling, but there was one thing that it all wasn‘t: boring.
I mean, when you start with the announcement that boring Brock Lesnar will not headline WrestleMania, and neither won‘t Roman Reigns, you‘re already off to a great start!
I‘m of course talking about the Raw Women‘s Title triple threat match being the main event!
That was the big announcement that kicked the show off.
So, sadly Roman Reigns did not open the show.
Frowny face!
I‘m so completely sad!
Or am I?
Wait, no, I hate it when he opens the show!
I mean, awesome! Variety and crap!
Okay, Ronda came out and all three women will compete in a beat the clock challenge and Ronda bragged that they‘re only the main event because of her and that the beat the clock challenge is just another stupid gimmick.
I mean, she‘s not wrong.
It is a stupid gimmick.

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Becky came out and said she brought the best out of Ronda and because of her people actually care about Ronda and the title now.
Well, she‘s not wrong.
And then Charlotte came out and said blah, blah, blah, she‘s the best and the two other girls are just talking meaningless fluff.
Well, she‘s not wrong, either!
That‘s not a joke here, I mean it!
All three women weren‘t wrong!
The stuff they said wasn‘t super compelling, but it felt true and that‘s why it worked.
Anyway, beat the clock challenge, stupid gimmick here we go!

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Ronda Rousey vs. Sarah Logan in the first of three beat the clock challenge matches:
Well, Sarah lost in 1 minute and 25 seconds, which means that that‘s gonna be the time to beat.

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Charlotte Flair vs. Ruby Riott in the second of three beat the clock challenge matches:
Look at that!
The genetically superior Charlotte did actually fail to beat Ruby in 1:25!
That‘s huge and I love it!
I do however not care for the matches much.
I mean, they‘re short and as Ronda put it, just a gimmick.
It‘s really more about the story than the match, so, let‘s go to our third round, shall we?
Oh, right!
Almost forgot to tell you that Charlotte was so pissed about not tapping out Ruby in time that she just hammered a fist over Becky Lynch‘s body, which, yeah, I would‘ve done the same.

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Becky Lynch vs. Liv Morgan in the third of three beat the clock challenge matches:
Yeah, didn‘t help though!
While Liv is still my favorite Squad member she failed to not lose to Becky and our red haired fire girl had 7 seconds on the clock to spare, so she officially won the challenge, which is interesting.
I want her to win at Mania and I think she will, but having her win this intrigues me.
Maybe they‘re trying to fool us into thinking she‘ll absolutely win and then Charlotte will win the belt out of nowhere?
It would make a lot of sense to me.
I wouldn‘t love it, but I also wouldn‘t completely hate it.
Anyway, pretty lame matches, but interesting stories.
Yeah, that sums up the opening.
Interesting albeit seemingly unimportant.
I don‘t know, it didn‘t feel grand and yet it was good.
I guess not everything needs to be out of this world amazing on the road to WrestleMania.

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Finn Balor vs. Bobby Lashley and Jinder Mahal in a handicap match and if Finn wins he will face Bobby at WrestleMania for the WWE Intercontinental Championship:

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Say that six times fast!
Why six? Why not!
Okay, so this was probably my least favorite thing on here.
I just hate Jinder.
With a big fiery passion in my heart!
Lio was originally scheduled to fight in his stead, but he entered Jinder into it, saying Braun hurt him too muchly.
Just guess who ate the pin.
That‘s right, Finn pinned Jinder.
There‘s only one way to sum this one up: no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
However, I will throw a dog a bone and say that it was at least cool to see the Singh Brothers get decimated by Finn.
It‘s so weird to me that Finn was once a god among humans, in line to be the Universal Champ for all of eternity instead of Brock… and just because he got injured he‘s now pretty much an afterthought.
I do like Bobby since he turned asshat, but he‘s not someone I get excited over.
I guess what I‘m trying to say is that I don‘t care about this match at Mania one bit.
Welp, moving on!

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To Elias!
Look at that!
It happened again!
He was pretty irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, but he was funny.
You see, throughout the night he had three segments from Times Square. People played the guitar better than him, he talked crap about MSG and a dude stole his money and guitar case.
Did it matter?
Did it advance the story in anyway?
What story?

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I mean, no, it didn‘t!
But it was funny!
I feel like Elias embodies the gist of this episode perfectly.
He doesn‘t matter, but he‘s funny and entertaining.
And in the end we all just want to be entertained.
Are you not entertained?!
Yes, I believe we are, thanks, Gladiator reference.
Not only did this bring out a Gladiator joke in me, it also brought out another edition of Tales From The Announce Desk!
It‘s back, are you excited?
Corey said getting excited for Elias at WrestleMania is like going to a Kiss concert and saying you‘re excited to see the opening band.
Yes, Corey, I think you‘re right!
But Elias will probably be more entertaining than a bad opening band!
Right, moving on!


Ricochet and Aleister Black vs. The Revival:

This was a good match.
The Revival isolated and grounded Ric, which just worked even though it‘s a cliche I hate.
It worked here because Ric usually flies and when you take that away it makes it this much more impressive when he does fly and pick up the win in the end.
And Revival are a traditional tag team, so using heel cliches is just something they should do because it‘s the tradition, duh, I just hate it when every single heel team does it.
But yeah, Ale finally got in.
And then a double combo of Black Mass and 630 Splash put away Wilder and got Ale and Ric the win over the champions.
I still hate this trope, Champions seem weak if they lose to the challengers before the big confrontation, but I can‘t be too pissed cause it was a really cool match.
Again, this was good and bad at the same time.
Kinda like Raw wasn‘t sure whether it wanted to be good or bad.
I was entertained, though, and that‘s all that counts.

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Drew McIntyre demanded an answer from Roman and he made the mistake of talking about Roman‘s wife and daughter.
Roman came out, said that Roman accepts (yes, he talks about himself in the 3rd person now) and that Drew should never talk about his wife and kid again.
Brawl, and then Drew won the argument with a low blow.
Ah, kicking someone in the balls!
That always works!
Backstage Dean demanded a last man standing match against Drew because the stupid man had said earlier that he pretty much killed Dean, which wasn‘t true and Dean wanted to prove that.
I didn‘t hate this, the low blow was nice.
Roman getting kicked in the balls… yeah, I cannnot not love that, sorry, Roman!
Also, Dean Ambrose in another brutal match?
Heck yeah I want that!

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Natalya vs. Sasha Banks:

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Right, while Jinder is still my least favorite thing this week, this one came pretty close.
The match was just about to turn good when Tamina and Nia interrupted again.
Nobody won and then Beth cleaned house.
That‘s the only reason why it wasn‘t my least favorite thing of the night.
Beth was actually kinda cool.
So yeah, still not a feud for me, but also not entirely terrible.
In a backstage interview, which was more interesting than the match itself Sasha said that everybody seems to want a shot at them, including the Iiconics from SmackDown, so they‘ll just have to fight everyone at once at Mania!
Fatal-4-way match confirmed!
Mama Mia!
All I need now is them also defending their belts on TakeOver two nights before Mania!
That would be sooooooo great!
Ah, I want that sooooooo badly!
Can you tell why I‘m undecided whether the first two hours were good or not?
They did things like this where they followed up a rather uninteresting segment or match with a really cool announcement, just like with Dean earlier.
Okay, I give up!
I loved the first two hours!
They were entertaining, too!

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What the crap is going on with this episode?
Michael and Colin from SNL were featured and I didn‘t completely hate it!
I actually love their involvement now because they announced something I didn‘t see coming!
You see, Alexa had a Moment of Bliss, in the ring this time around, and in person her guest was Braun, while the two SNL jackasses were titantroned in via satellite.
They weren‘t funny.
Except for Michael saying he loved Braun‘s hands.
That was hilarious.

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But in general it‘s just not the kind of humor I can get behind.
Crap like Colin saying he made the mistake of wearing a Cubs hat, him not wanting to do that again and then putting on an NY Yankees hat instead.
Haha, he still didn‘t learn his lesson.
That‘s soooooo funny, only not at all!
He then insulted Braun by telling him he needs therapy and that he wants the money for the car and an autograph from Brock Lesnar.
And then the awesome thing happened!
Braun demanded that Colin and Michael would enter themselves into the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal and they actually accepted, well, Michael accepted for Colin and then Alexa just added both of them.
This is actually pretty cool!
I thought Braun would just destroy them in a brief segment, but no, the story is actually part of a match now, which makes it all of the sudden work for me!
Good job!
And also, Colin, Michael, good luck trying to survive the Battle Royal!
You‘re gonna need it!

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Apollo Crews vs. Baron Corbin:
Baron said earlier that Kurt should‘ve retired ten years ago and after an End of Days he pinned Crews.
While this wasn‘t much, it did get the job done of making me hate Corbin even more.
What a weird episode!

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And with that we were entering the really great third hour!
They told us earlier that Seth would say something, Kurt would fight Samoa Joe and Triple H would also say something!
And then there‘s the last man standing match as well!
That‘s four potentially good segments!
The start to that hour of power was made by Seth freaking Rollins.

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He told us that he wants to inspire people and Brock doesn‘t inspire people.
He also realized that he‘s fighting for the entire Universe because every fan at a signing told him they wanted to see him slay the beast and burn it down.
He then promised the Universe to end the reign of Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania.
Paul Heyman then came out and thanked Seth for informing him that the Mania match was now a handicap match.
Seth and the entire Universe versus Brock.
Didn‘t matter though.
He knew how Seth‘s generation was, he‘d ask for prayers to enable him to beat Brock but that still wouldn‘t be enough.
Seth then finished Paul off with a simple yet elegant response.
He won‘t be asking for prayers, he‘ll answer them.
Dang, that line‘s so great!
Seth, please go kill the beast for me!
Answer our prayers!
Yeah, this was a really good promo segment!
Hells to the yes!

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Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe:

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This gotta be intentional!
They gotta be putting Kurt in matches against Superstars way better than Corbin on purpose!
This time around it‘s Samoa Joe from SmackDown, who he had a great and long history with outside of WWE, and tomorrow Kurt‘ll fight AJ!
They gotta do this on purpose!
They‘re playing up the fact that Corbin sucks so that John Cena can swoop in after he finished Baron and blow all our minds with the Kurt Farewell match we all want and deserve!
Yeah, I might get disappointed when it won‘t happen, but you can‘t convince me otherwise!
It‘ll happen!
It just has to!
A boy can dream…
This match, though!
Boy was it cool!
Unsurprisingly Kurt won.
This was good, nothing else to add here.

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After Triple H was proud of the women who made the main event happen and after telling us he was happy about not having to talk into Drax‘s spit filled mike he produced an envelope he wasn‘t happy about.
It came from Drax‘s lawyer and entailed the demand of another stipulation being added, or else Drax wouldn‘t show up.
Triple H was really funny and even quoted Spice Girls!
He told us what Drax really wanted, what he really, really wanted!

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That was for this match to entail the stipulation that this was for Triple H‘s career.
No holds barred and if Triple H loses his career will be over.
Of course Hunter accepted, saying that if he can‘t even beat a washed out Hollywood star he‘s got no business wrestling anyway.
Dang, that was good!
Just good!
Oh, and Hunter also told us that Drax demanded WrestleMania to be moved because of the Guardians shooting.
Yes, they‘ll just move a super event because you say so, sure, Drax!
Just a hilarious segment through and through!
I really can‘t wait for Mania!
Mania‘s what I want, what I really, really want!

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Drew McIntyre vs. Dean Ambrose in a last man standing match:

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Dean in brutal matches is also what I want, what I really, really want!
And no, you can never quote the Spice Girls too often!
Dean didn‘t get to do too much, but he got to eat some cool and brutal spots!
Drew hit him with a broken kendo stick, the steel of the ring apron, steel steps and he also put him through a table.
While Dean tried to use the table himself he didn‘t get to and stayed down for the ten count after Drew put him through it.
I really enjoyed this.
Dean‘s just a natural fit for punishment and even though he lost he did entertain me immensely!
I also can‘t help but feel that he will probably get involved in the Mania match between Drew and Roman.
He‘s too much a part of the story to not play some role.
Maybe he won‘t be added to the match, but he‘ll do something.
Heck, he could hit Drew with a kendo and help Roman win, redeeming himself for attacking Seth the night Roman announced his battle with Leukemia.
Heck, he could even help Seth beat Brock while he‘s at it!
How awesome an ending to his WWE run would that be, huh?
A really awesome one!
I hope it happens!

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Yes, this episode was good.
We didn‘t have any big surprises.
John didn‘t show and neither did Shawn or Taker, but still I enjoyed the heck out of it.
Even the stuff that felt small and bad had some redeeming quality to it.
And the third hour was just good and entertaining through and through!
I enjoyed my time with WWE today and can‘t wait to see what they can come up with tomorrow!

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Did you enjoy your time with WWE?
Tell me int he comments.
Feel free to share my entertainment and joy with your friends.
I‘ll see you tomorrow for SmackDown.
Have a great day!

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