What the Network truly needed: Best of WWE



Let‘s talk about WWE Network‘s Best of series.

And why it‘s so awesome.

Find out more by reading on.



There was one thing that the Network didn‘t have for a while.

Sure, you could type in Undertaker and it would spit out matches, but a good collection to give you an overview?

Forget about it!

There were those collection thingies, but they got rid of them and they always felt fragmented and random to me.

For some reason I wanted to watch the Taker and Mankind‘s Hell In A Cell match again recently.

Well, the reason was because it‘s a fucking incredible match!

So I typed it into the Network‘s search bar and voila, there it was!

After I was done watching it, King of the Ring didn‘t continue as I had expected.

Instead there was a narration summarizing Mick Foley‘s career after that match.

Without realizing it I had clicked on Best of Mick Foley.

A three and a half hour long collection of curated matches by the Hardcore Legend.

Before I knew it I had watched another hour and a half of Mick Foley matches.





For someone who in earnest started watching WWE about 6 years ago and never knew where to start when it comes to old shit, this is like heroine to me.

I can just plop in one of those collections, watch a few matches and move on.

I‘ve also already checked out a few Macho man matches this way and it‘s just brilliant.

The best thing here is that it‘s all narrated.

They fill in the most important blanks for new fans.

I am now not completely lost anymore.

See, for example, I never knew that Mick was essentially retired and then came back just to battle Randy Orton.

I had no idea and now I do!


This is essential knowledge and not at all useless… no, mom…



Look, for a story guy I feel that a match will always mean more to me when I know the story behind it.

I know the stakes and they know me.

It makes every match so much more meaningful and I wish they would add a little introduction to every match on the Network.

I know that that sounds like a fucking ridiculous task and it‘s never ever going to happen, but it would be nice.




So, yeah, I believe that the Best of thingies they‘re doing provide a great introduction to Superstars and I can‘t wait for them to add even more on a consistent basis.




Have you checked out any of them yet?

Tell me in the comments.

Feel free to share this with your friends.

I‘ll see you next week for more shenanigans.

Have a great Sunday.



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