I’m taking a little break.
Find out more by reading on!
So, yeah.
You might’ve wondered why I didn’t release something yesterday, when Sunday’s usually release day.
Well, I’ve made the decision to take a break from this here blog for an as of yet undetermined amount of time.
I was kind of running myself into the ground, burning the candle not on two ends, but three or five.
That resulted in me spiraling into a fucking spiral that spiraled a bit out of control.
So I need a reset.
Not sure how long it’ll take, but I need to figure a few things out for myself.
I just need a break to figure a lot of shit out right now.
That’s basically all I have to say.
So, I hope you’ll all enjoy wrestling in the mean time and that you’ll be fine and well during these “trying times”.
Be well.
I’ll see you whenever with more Shenanigans!
Have a nice break from me!